Monday, November 10, 2008

Boot Camp

Last month I decided to check out the Arlington County Boot Camp. Actually, my good friend Brian Mehnert talked me into it. We are two old men who love to play hockey and could also stand to lose a few pounds (me more than him). So, we ponied up the $189 and stuck it out. It was great! For the month of October I was able to get up by 5:45 every work day and make it out to Quincy Park to meet up with a drill instructor and about 15-20 motivated dudes. I learned a lot but most of it has left my brain. After giving it a lot of thought, I decided to do it again for the month of November. The one thing that kills me is the $189 a month. We meet in a public place, use public roads, parks etc and all they (meaning the Fitness for Results Company) bring is an elastic band and a drill instructor that pushes you to your limits. In two months I have spent $378 to run around Arlington. Screw that noise. I am going to take some notes this month and put together my own Boot Camp schedule. Then in December, I am going to build a Hockey Boot Camp plan that includes hockey specific exercises and a weight lifting schedule. It will also include pick up hockey and hopefully some skill training on the ice! Below is today’s workout schedule. I also plan to lift today at lunch.

Quick Lap
Stretch for 10 minutes
Leg on rail
Straight down walk it over to each foot
Lunge stretch
Core to the rt and lt
Forearm wrist

Run ¼ mile
30 jumping jacks
30 squats
10 burpees

Run ¼ mile
Lunges for 100 yards
Sprint back

Run ¼ mile
Squats with band – hands at tray position 30
Curls each hand 4 count 30
Squats w/ band hands at curl flex 30
Curls both hands 30
Squats hands in tri position (behind head) 30

Run ¼ mile
Sitting crunches on the wall 30 second hold
Sitting position knees to chest 20
Sitting crunches on the wall 30 second hold
Sitting position knees to chest 20
Sitting crunches on the wall 30 second hold
Sitting position knees to chest 20

Run ¼ mile
2 foot wall jump ups for 30 seconds
Step ups rotating feet 60 seconds
2 foot wall jump ups for 30 seconds
Step ups rotating feet 60 seconds
2 foot wall jump ups for 30 seconds
Step ups rotating feet 60 seconds

Run ¾ mile



Rod said...

Quite a schedule for a workout!
Great idea to creat your own boot camp for hockey nuts, do you think any of your hockey team mates will jump on board with you?

BDUTS said...


Thanks for reading my post! The guys who’s in the picture with the black eye is on board for Hockey Boot Camp. I think a few other guys might jump on the BDUTS train as well. Right now it looks like a mix of stick handling, speed, strength, stability, power and endurance drills. The morning routines (3-4 days a week will be fun...including scrimmage, hour long stick drills and cross training - soccer-bball-tennis etc). 5 days a week at lunch will be an intense "Spartan" workout. This was used for the actors in the movie 300 and is based on crossfit techniques. IF, and that's a big IF, we can stick with it...we should see some pretty cool results in 30-60 days!

Carole said...

Quite a schedule, Brian! Makes me ache all over just to read about it! ha! You are an inspiration.
Much love