Thursday, February 26, 2009

Not a slacker...just busy

Good-bye boot camp blog, i am just too busy training to keep up with you. Now that I work out everyday (or try too) I just don't have the time to keep up with the blog. Later!

Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Flabby but alcohol free for 2 weeks!

Can you believe our gym was flooded for a week and I was sick with the flu the week before? That sucks. Luckily I have played hockey and biked a few sessions in the basement and I am going sober for a few weeks to help get me under 200pds.

Lifted yesterday with TA.

Bench – 196 3sets 886
Shoulder press – 40pds each hand 2 sets 10
Pull ups 2 sets 10 (last 5 helpers)
Bi’s and tri’s 100pds – 3 sets 10
Lat pu/l down 165pds 3 sets of 10

Friday, January 16, 2009


Back to it after having the flu...4 days of no food and booze got me down to 201.5pds Sweet. I am going to give sobriety a shot.

10 Pull-ups
10 Push-ups
10 Pull-ups

15 repetitions – Clean and Press
15 repetitions – Clean and Press
15 repetitions – Clean and Press
15 repetitions – Clean and Press

10 Push-ups
30sec Right Plank
9 Push-ups
30sec Left Plank
8 Push-ups
30sec Right Plank
7 Push-ups
30sec Left Plank
6 Push-ups
15sec Right Plank
5 Push-ups
15sec Left Plank

50 Crunches
25 Oblique Twists
25 Sit-ups
20 Toe-touches
25 Reverse Sit-ups
Rest 1:00

50 Crunches
25 Oblique Twists
25 Sit-ups
20 Toe-touches
25 Reverse Sit-ups
Rest 1:00

30sec Shadow Boxing w/dumbbells (use 3-5lbs)
30sec Jump Rope
30sec Shadow Boxing w/dumbbells (use 3-5lbs)
30sec Jump Rope
30sec Shadow Boxing w/dumbbells (use 3-5lbs)
30sec Jump Rope

Friday, January 9, 2009

Maxed out

I know it seems like I have been lazy by not working out but the truth is I just have not been tracking it. I promise my reader(s) that I will do my best to keep my blog up to date. I wanted to pre-test our 300 result so today, we maxed out.

BD weight plus 20% 240pds max (most ever max)
BB weight plus 20% 300pds max (ties lifetime max from high school)
TA weight plus 10% 195pds (most ever max)

So it looks like the 300 workout is living up to the hype. We have about 6 workouts left until the true test of manhood.

Pull downs 180 2 sets of 10
Curls 35s 2 sets of 10
Dumbbell rows 50 pds 2 sets of 10
Standing row 85 pds 2 sets of 10
Shoulder press 100pds 2 sets of 10
Cable sit ups 140 pds 2 sets of 10

Monday, December 29, 2008


After weighing in post holiday, I feel fat as hell. Booze, beef sticks and candy galore. I gained 3 pds since Thanksgiving. Time to shape up for the New Year. We finish the Spartan Workout next week. From there we go back to weights and begin Triathlon season. In Jan we will start 1 swim, bike and run per week. FYI - Off ice Hockey Drills were a bust in Dec....I also forgot to log in 2 weight workouts between the 17th and now. Pick up hockey tonight as well.

25 Dead-lifts
10 Box Jumps

25 Dead-lifts
10 Box Jumps

25 Dead-lifts
10 Box Jumps

10 Hang Cleans
25 Sit-ups
10 Hang Cleans
25 Sit-ups
10 Hang Cleans
25 Sit-ups
10 Hang Cleans
25 Sit-ups

20 Reverse Crunches
20 Toe Touches
20 Butterfly Kicks
20 Sit-ups
20 Reverse Crunches
20 Toe Touches
20 Butterfly Kicks
20 Sit-ups

20 Floor Wipers
20 Floor Wipers
20 Floor Wipers

10 Pull-ups
10 Push-ups
10 Dips

Wednesday, December 17, 2008


I started the day with pick up hockey at 6:30am and I will finish with a game tonight at 9:30pm

10 repetitions – Bench Press 195pds
10 repetitions – Bench Press
10 repetitions – Bench Press

10 repetitions – Squat 195pds
10 repetitions – Squat
10 repetitions – Squat

10 repetitions- Arm Curls 35pds each
10 repetitions- Arm Curls
10 repetitions- Arm Curls

10 repetitions – Straight Legged Dead lift 40pds each
10 repetitions – Straight Legged Dead lift
10 repetitions – Straight Legged Dead lift

10 repetitions – Bent Over Row 25pds each
10 repetitions – Bent Over Row
10 repetitions – Bent Over Row

10 repetitions- Pull Overs 35pds
10 repetitions- Pull Overs
10 repetitions- Pull Overs

1min Jump Rope
1min Shadow Box
1min Jumping Jacks
1min Shadow Box
Rest 2min

1min Jump Rope
1min Shadow Box
1min Jumping Jacks
1min Shadow Box
Rest 2min

Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Down for the count

Ol' Brucey left the spartan workout sitting on his desk (he blames me but since it's my blog, i am blaming him) so we just lifted instead and will Spartan it up on our own tonight.

Cable Flys and dumbell press 50pds each/65pds each 3 sets of 10

Pull Downs w/Dead Lifts 285pds/65pds

Shoulder press w/ sitting row 120/189 2 sets of 10

Curls w/Tris 108/120 2 set 10

sitting oblique twists - feet in the air w/ 4pd medicine ball 2 sets of 15