Wednesday, December 3, 2008


Day 1 of 16 -The Spartan Workout

Total amount of repetitions: 300
Objective of Workout: To finish in the least amount of time as is possible.

25 Pull Ups (BD 15 assisted by hand BB 95pds)

50 Dead Lifts at 95pds

50 Push Ups

50 Box Jumps with 24 inch box

50 Floor Wipers (95 Pds)

50 Clean and Press (completed 25 @ 95pds)

25 Pull Ups (95pds assisted BB 132/15 144/10)

Total time for BD 14:36 BB 20:00 even

We recorded the time it took to complete this workout. We will compare that time to the time it takes us to complete this workout at the end of the program.

We had all the exercises and weights ready before we did this workout.

Thanks Bruce for the cup of water...that workout was brutal!

1 comment:

Christine Bilek said...

good job guys! This is the kind of stuff we do @ my bootcamp and I love it. Bruce said it was probably the hardest workout he's ever done, thanks for pushing him!

PS: no, I'm not stalking you, you are in my blogreader! :o)