Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Flabby but alcohol free for 2 weeks!

Can you believe our gym was flooded for a week and I was sick with the flu the week before? That sucks. Luckily I have played hockey and biked a few sessions in the basement and I am going sober for a few weeks to help get me under 200pds.

Lifted yesterday with TA.

Bench – 196 3sets 886
Shoulder press – 40pds each hand 2 sets 10
Pull ups 2 sets 10 (last 5 helpers)
Bi’s and tri’s 100pds – 3 sets 10
Lat pu/l down 165pds 3 sets of 10

Friday, January 16, 2009


Back to it after having the flu...4 days of no food and booze got me down to 201.5pds Sweet. I am going to give sobriety a shot.

10 Pull-ups
10 Push-ups
10 Pull-ups

15 repetitions – Clean and Press
15 repetitions – Clean and Press
15 repetitions – Clean and Press
15 repetitions – Clean and Press

10 Push-ups
30sec Right Plank
9 Push-ups
30sec Left Plank
8 Push-ups
30sec Right Plank
7 Push-ups
30sec Left Plank
6 Push-ups
15sec Right Plank
5 Push-ups
15sec Left Plank

50 Crunches
25 Oblique Twists
25 Sit-ups
20 Toe-touches
25 Reverse Sit-ups
Rest 1:00

50 Crunches
25 Oblique Twists
25 Sit-ups
20 Toe-touches
25 Reverse Sit-ups
Rest 1:00

30sec Shadow Boxing w/dumbbells (use 3-5lbs)
30sec Jump Rope
30sec Shadow Boxing w/dumbbells (use 3-5lbs)
30sec Jump Rope
30sec Shadow Boxing w/dumbbells (use 3-5lbs)
30sec Jump Rope

Friday, January 9, 2009

Maxed out

I know it seems like I have been lazy by not working out but the truth is I just have not been tracking it. I promise my reader(s) that I will do my best to keep my blog up to date. I wanted to pre-test our 300 result so today, we maxed out.

BD weight plus 20% 240pds max (most ever max)
BB weight plus 20% 300pds max (ties lifetime max from high school)
TA weight plus 10% 195pds (most ever max)

So it looks like the 300 workout is living up to the hype. We have about 6 workouts left until the true test of manhood.

Pull downs 180 2 sets of 10
Curls 35s 2 sets of 10
Dumbbell rows 50 pds 2 sets of 10
Standing row 85 pds 2 sets of 10
Shoulder press 100pds 2 sets of 10
Cable sit ups 140 pds 2 sets of 10